Privacy Statement

Flower House, gevestigd aan Alexanderstraat 7 1018CE Amsterdam, is verantwoordelijk voor de verwerking van persoonsgegevens zoals weergegeven in deze privacyverklaring.

Alexanderstraat 7
1018CE Amsterdam

Nienke Schipper-Pauw is de Functionaris Gegevensbescherming van Flower House Hij/zij is te bereiken via

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Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Dat kan via de volgende link:

Hoe wij persoonsgegevens beveiligen

Flower House neemt de bescherming van uw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan. Als u de indruk heeft dat uw gegevens niet goed beveiligd zijn of er aanwijzingen zijn van misbruik, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice of via

What others say about Flower House

"This year I started following the Hopi Teachings with Nienke. Nienke is a wonderful storyteller! She takes you by her hand and helps you to stand in your strength by remembering that which you have always known and have hidden deep within you. It is truly incredible how much these teachings can achieve in a short time and what a beautiful bond you build with the Hopi Community. Very grateful to be able to follow these profound lessons. I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone more than Nienke!"
"Sometimes there are those tipping points in life. You know that something essential is changing in yourself or around you. Something in your foundation. That it will never be or feel the same as before. This happened during my connected breathing session with Nienke. A gift from my girlfriends. What a heavenly experience. Within two hours I cleaned up and left something behind that I had been walking around with for a long time and wanted to get rid of. I notice the change every day now. l It's quieter in my head. Calmer in my body. I feel softer and stronger at the same time. And about Nienke; what a skilled, warm, light, relaxed and loving guidance. You just have to feel, experience, do this. Gift yourself. Gift your friends or girlfriends. Life changing."
"Through a beautiful, gentle and intense guidance in a breathwork ceremony, Nienke mentally brought me to places I didn't know existed. This brought back memories, emotions and insights that would otherwise have remained hidden. The ceremony turned out to be an important part of my healing process, for which I am very grateful to Nienke. 🙏🏼"
Joris, Amsterdam
"Some journeys have the power to transform, heal and leave an indelible imprint on one's soul. Such was my ten-day journey through India. Every place we visited, every activity we did, every ritual or ceremony we witnessed or took part in, every encounter we had with the spiritually enlightened was deeply impactful. The group was amazing. We laughed, cried and sang together, we shared food and our life stories, we practised yoga, meditated and had discussions on philosophical topics. I am deeply grateful to the organizers Arjuna, Afke and Nienke, who made this journey possible. They created a safe bubble and took us to places that otherwise would have remained unreachable, particularly to the inexperienced first-time travellers to India like myself. I would recommend this journey through mystical India to anyone who is interested in spirituality and is looking to expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and delving deep into their own psyche and that of an ancient country and its people. "
Katerina van Weger
"I had a wonderful session with Nienke, my first breathing session. In the beginning I had some resistance and I didn't know what to expect but that went away very quickly. My whole body started tingling, I felt the energy flowing. I got deeper and deeper into a kind of trance and saw all kinds of beautiful visuals. I really made a very beautiful and loving journey. Similar to my plant medicine experiences. I came to realize that I am actually very happy inside. And that the outside world has no influence on this. Pure happiness."
Nina van Steen
"During the breathing session with Nienke I felt my body for the first time in a long time. Nienke guided the session with her voice and hands on certain pressure points. My body started to tingle and I felt some cramping in my hands but it felt safe. I could really feel and many emotions passed by. I gained insights into the relationship with my daughter and had contact with my late friend Nathalie. A very special experience and something I have never felt before and can recommend to everyone. Nienke gave me a feeling of security and because of this I was able to let go of everything. I feel strong and an incredible experience richer."
Boukje van der Kemp
"A wonderful experience that I will forever cherish. Everything is done with intention, and in a beautiful space. An open and very safe space- there's nothing I can add other than what a wonderful inward journey this was. I would recommend this to anyone who feels called. Nienke is a wonderful soul with such a soft, open and warming heart. Thank you for sharing your light ❤️"
Jayne Hulsebosch
"Wow, my journey was overwhelmingly beautiful! The sacred ceremony made me experience something I would never have dreamed of. My intention for the ceremony was to have faith in the future and to continue positively without any fear for what to come. The outcome was exactly that. The plant medicine showed me my deceased son at the age he was supposed to be right now. He gave me all the faith in the future as my guardian angel. I would never want to miss this experience in my life. Thank you for creating this peaceful and safe space for me to go travelling with my eldest son. Love Kim"
Kim Nieuwenhuis
"It was the first time for me that I did such a ceremony, so of course there was the necessary healthy tension involved. I was warmly and welcomed and felt at home and safe from the start. During the ceremony, Nienke and Elske guided this special journey with a beautiful flow and music. All in all the most beautiful experience of my life so far and definitely worth repeating!"
""After one week I still feel the ceremonie in my body and mind. I feel a strong connection with nature which gives me so much clarity. It is a strong feeling that everything has it’s place, that you can’t fight certain structures. It feels really powerful and gives peace. "
"What a great gift to me! I immediately felt at ease when I walked into The Flowerhouse. A warm welcome from Nienke and a warm room with beautiful things that all seemed to be in their place. I was ready for it, the little tension I had left immediately fell off me. The ceremony was started after expressing my intentions, the journey could begin. It was beautiful, deepening and enlightening. The music and all other sounds accompanied and carried me. At different depths I have received answers and discovered new possibilities. In any case, my journey has given me the confidence to trust my intuition again, what a gift!"
Iris Hoogendoorn
""It’s been one month after my sacred plant ceremony at Flower House, the journey is still on… Thank you dear Nienke and Elske for your guiding from the heart. I never experienced this clear voice from the soul. All the answers are inside but because of life they were hidden to survive. My body rejected by undesired painful and scary effects. By surprise Flower House passed my way, coincidence led to this unexpected opportunity. It took courage to enter and face it, I’m so glad I challenged the unknown and felt worth it to listen to my inner voice. I am eternally grateful for your guidance with so much love.""
"If there were a human mother earth, Nienke would be her in human form. Soft arms to lie in. Powerful as a rock when grounding is needed. Wise and loving when direction is needed. And all that topped off with happiness and humor!"
"Flower House Spirit Island has been a highlight of the year for three years now. Truly reconnecting with the family and the other beautiful people in a magical place. The children learn by observing and participating what it can be like to experience and live in community. "
""Partaking in the sacred plant ceremony at Flower House had been on my wish list for a long time. Last April that wish finally came true and what a beautiful journey this was. Everything was just right, the entourage, the energy, the people, the guidance of Nienke and Elske, the music and the journey. I'm still processing the experience after a few months and can't wait to start following the journey again. It brings you to yourself, you return home and that's so beauiful. It gave me so much peace. I am very grateful and happy that I attended the ceremony. On to the next!""
Petra Borst
Hira Hosen
"The Flower House is more than a welcome home, it's a sacred space where you can meditate, go deep inside, be with yourself or invite close friends. All in all, a perfect experience, highly recommended."
Hira Hosen
"Thanks to Nienke, I truly discovered yoga. Every week I look forward to her lovely class, which she gives with so much enthusiasm, warmth and attention! She is the best!"
Mayra Lindveld
"My first steps on the yoga mat were with Nienke, it felt like a warm bath. Gently being guided in child's-pose and with clear cues into downward facing dog. Yogi Nienke rocks your body & soul! Love & peace at the Flower House studio."
Fred van der Put
"Yoga with Nienke at the Flower House is very personal and special, always a warm welcome and positive energy.❤️ Nienke gives an innovative twist to her class with a beautiful choice of music."
Geertje Smits
"Yoga with Nienke is a gift for body and soul. On top of a delicious practice and pleasant adjustments where necessary, she regularly has a nice, sweet surprise for us like massages or sound baths. She also shares philosophy or insights that fascinate her"
Gwen Eckhaus