Vida natural do coração
Parece tão fácil e ainda assim muitas pessoas acham desafiador viver saudável e ouvir aquela voz interior que nos guia. Quando se trata de comida e cura, vamos natural. Bem-vindo ao Flower House - aqui você pode crescer, florescer e prosperar.
Se você quiser se sentir melhor emocionalmente e fisicamente e isso ressoa com você, os óleos e soluções dōTERRA são para você. Nós preparamos 4 pacotes diferentes para você: Detox, Home Essentials, Yoga e Massagens.
Esta é uma desintoxicação simples, fácil e única, pois inclui óleos essenciais e não requer um regime alimentar intenso. Melhore sua saúde, aumente sua energia e desintoxique seu corpo.
Home Essentials
Os 10 óleos mais usados para ajudá-lo a dormir, livrar-se da dor de cabeça, domar essa barriga, acalmar esse machucado, limpar esse corte, combater esse resfriado ou febre do feno e ajudá-lo a relaxar e melhorar sua energia. Simples, eficiente e acima de tudo natural!
These oils will help you ground, balance, connect and relax during your yoga practice and in daily life.
Soon dōTERRA will launch the yoga collection designed by Yogini Elena Brower. This beautiful oil will include the blends Anchor, Align and Arise.
Enjoy a clinical yet personal approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems of the body.
When you place your order here, we will help you setup. There is no obligation or monthly subscription. You will receive a consult to help you understand the oils and how they best benefit you and your family. Flower House offers continued eduction.
The Flower House team consists of professionals in the areas of nutrition, yoga, meditation, Theta Healing, plant medicine, therapeutic massages (AromaTouch and Symphony of the Cells) and skin care.
Ongoing Education
We will help you to get to know the oils and the best way to use them.
The Flower House team is here to help you. That is what makes us most happy.
Let’s Flower the World!
How to order
For those who are really ready for natural solutions, the Home Essentials Kit is the smartest way to get started.
Follow the steps below. You are always welcome to contact me on +31623316798 or
Press the "ORDER HERE" button below and a new window opens.
Select Join & Save.
Scroll down and select Join dōTERRA
Choose language English British
Select Europe and then Netherlands.
Press OK on the yellow box that appears.
Check for Wholesale Customer if you only want to be a customer, choose Wellness Advocate if you want a future opportunity to work with DōTERRA.
Fill in all personal info, choose your own password.
Enroller ID must be 5467529 . Press Verify to see that it is Nienke Schipper-Pauw. Very important!
When you get to the order page, scroll further steps to the right until you get a kit called Home Essential Kit English. You choose this and proceed to payment. If you want to choose the Detox, Yoga or Aroma Touch Kit, contact us and we will personally guide you through the process.
When you log in via my link, I will receive an email from doTERRA, and I will send you all the information you need. There are no obligations whatsoever. You can choose to exit at any time. No purchase obligation. Just lots of possibilities!
If you get stuck, you can send a text to +31623316798 or email to